ENSU - Environmental Sustainability

ENSU Class Schedule


ENSU 300   Environmental Sustainability   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores the challenges of creating a sustainable world. Examines: a) trends and conditions of the earth's major ecosystems, b) ways in which our economic system has created levels of consumption that threaten sustainability, c) the extent to which equity and justice contribute to sustainable systems, and d) evidence demonstrating how human creativity and innovation can create a more sustainable world. Same as LA 370 and NRES 370.

ENSU 301   Soc Impacts Weather & Climate   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the interconnectedness of weather, climate and society. Focus is on the complex relationship between weather, climate and society from both a physical and social perspective with an examination of the role of sustainability in both impacts and future mitigation. Discussions focused on the physical principles driving the weather and climate and how they interact with all aspects of society. Same as ATMS 322.

ENSU 302   Air Pollution to Global Change   credit: 3 Hours.

Develops the science of air pollution across spatial scales with an Earth-systems approach. Considers how fossil fuel combustion, agriculture development, waste generation, synthetic chemicals production, biomass burning, and changes in land use are significantly altering levels of radiatively and chemically active gases and aerosols in the atmosphere, and how these pollutants interact at local, regional, and global scales. The systems nature of the processes through which air pollution is linked to global change will be examined via integrated science assessment modeling that includes feedbacks from societal policies, industrial practices, and human populations. Same as ATMS 323.

ENSU 303   Sustainable Business I   credit: 4 Hours.

At the dawn of the 21st century, business and society is confronted with a confluence of factors, including environmental degradation, widespread poverty, and the need for renewable sources of energy. The diverse sources of information that point to an uncertain future suggests that a 'business as usual' approach has to be replaced with more proactive alternatives that address the needs of the environment, consumer welfare and community development. This course on sustainable marketing management begins to address these issues and engender an appreciation among our students for the challenges that lie ahead for businesses. Looks at the relationship between sustainable business practices, societal welfare, and ecological systems. Student projects will apply marketing and business concepts to create a sustainable business plan for organizations.

ENSU 310   Renewable & Alternative Energy   credit: 4 Hours.

Fossil fuel supplies are finite and growing energy demands of an ever increasing population will quickly deplete these reservoirs. Focuses on the use and availability of renewable and alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, bio-fuels, ethanol, geothermal and nuclear power as well as the impacts of using these alternative energy sources on climate, society and the global economy. Students will develop the student's perspective on human energy consumption at all scales through a complete scale analysis of energy production and consumption – from the individual to the national government to the world economy.

ENSU 410   Sustainable Organizations   credit: 4 Hours.

Explores the notion of sustainability as a core business tenant, and how entrepreneurs and their companies are working to create and capture financial, social, and environmental value. The focus is on on large, for profit companies, but lessons will extend to smaller, non-profit, and governmental organizations. The aim is to prepare participants for the green challenge of adopting and implementing socially responsible practices in the workplace. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.